September 5, 2024

Why Switch from Coin Laundry to Card Laundry: The Benefits of Going Digital

Coin to card-based payment systems in the laundry and dry cleaning business are becoming essential as the world moves towards a cashless economy. According to a 2024 report, global cash transactions have declined by 12.5% annually over the last five years, with digital payments now accounting for over 75% of total retail transactions. This shift has left many laundromat owners questioning whether transitioning from coin-operated machines to card or mobile payment systems is the right move for their business.

The commercial laundry industry, projected to grow to $120 billion by 2026, is already seeing significant shifts towards modernization. Data from the Coin Laundry Association reveals that nearly 35 to 38% of laundromats in the U.S. have adopted some form of digital or card-based payment system, while others are considering making the change.

In today's fast-paced environment, consumers demand faster, more convenient, and secure payment options. Research shows that 85% of customers now prefer digital payments over cash. For laundry and dry cleaning businesses, shifting from coin laundry to card-based systems is not just a technological upgrade; it's a crucial move to enhance customer experience, improve operational efficiency, and stay competitive in the market.

From Coin Laundry to Card Laundry: What’s Driving the Cashless Revolution?

Laundromats around the world are rapidly adopting card and mobile payment systems, driven by global trends toward cashless transactions. In many developed countries like the U.S., UK, Canada, and Germany, nearly 75-85% of consumers prefer using cards or digital wallets over cash. This trend is primarily fueled by the desire for convenience, security, and ease of use. Customers increasingly expect businesses, including laundromats, to offer flexible payment methods that align with their everyday habits of using cards or mobile apps.

Globally, cashless payments are projected to grow by 17% annually, with the value of card payments expected to reach $10 trillion by 2027. For laundromats, transitioning from coin-operated systems to digital payment platforms allows for smoother operations, reducing the need to handle physical cash and coins, which can often lead to machine malfunctions and high maintenance costs. Moreover, digital transactions provide enhanced security, reducing the risk of theft and allowing both customers and businesses to track and manage payments more efficiently.

Global Adoption Rates: Is Your Competitor Already Using Cards?

As of 2024, 48% of laundromats worldwide have integrated card payment systems, with countries like Japan, Australia, and the Netherlands leading the way. In North America and Europe, card-based systems are rapidly becoming the norm, with adoption rates growing at 15-20% per year. By 2026, it is projected that nearly 60% of laundromats across the globe will be card-enabled, as businesses embrace the benefits of modern payment technologies.

In Europe, where contactless card payments have surged, laundromats in countries such as the UK and Germany have already made significant shifts toward cashless operations. In the Asia-Pacific region, Japan is emerging as a leader in laundry tech adoption, with nearly 55% of its laundromats offering digital payment options. Meanwhile, Australia has seen a similar rise, with a majority of laundromats switching to card payments to meet customer demand for seamless, cash-free experiences.

In developing regions, such as Southeast Asia and parts of Latin America, mobile payments are becoming a dominant force as many consumers leapfrog traditional banking and move straight to digital wallets. Countries like China and India are seeing a significant rise in mobile and card payment adoption, with laundromats in major cities integrating these systems to cater to a growing middle-class population that prefers cashless transactions.

This global shift is not only consumer-driven but also provides laundromat owners with a competitive edge. Card-based payment systems tend to increase customer spending, as studies show that consumers often spend more when using a card or mobile payment compared to cash. Moreover, laundromat owners who have transitioned to digital payments report higher efficiency and improved operational control, with real-time data tracking and automated payment processing.

As global competition intensifies and more laundromats modernize their payment systems, business owners must consider the long-term advantages of transitioning to card-based payments. Whether in Europe, North America, or Asia, the laundromats of the future are moving toward a cashless reality, and businesses that adapt early will position themselves for greater success in an increasingly digital world.

What Are the Financial Implications of Switching to Card Payments?

Is the Investment Worth the Return?

Investing in card payment systems for laundromats requires an upfront cost that typically ranges from $550 to $2100 per machine, depending on the technology and provider. While this may seem significant, the potential return on investment (ROI) can be substantial. Laundromats across the globe that have made the switch to card-based systems report an average revenue increase of 17-22%. This is primarily due to higher customer spending, as studies show that consumers tend to spend more when using cards or digital wallets compared to cash.

Starting a coin-operated laundry business in 2024 requires significant ongoing effort and costs, whereas a card-based laundry system involves a one-time investment in software and payment processing machines.

In countries like Japan and the UK, laundromats that transitioned to card systems have noted increased customer retention, as cashless payments offer greater convenience and flexibility. Additionally, these laundromats are capitalizing on upselling opportunities, as card payments make it easier for customers to opt for premium services such as larger machines, add-on detergent, or faster drying times. By offering a smoother, cashless experience, laundromat owners can increase their revenue streams and appeal to tech-savvy customers who expect digital convenience.

How Much Can You Save in Operational Costs?

Operating coin-operated machines comes with considerable ongoing costs, from maintenance to cash handling. Globally, laundromat owners spend an average of 5-10 hours per week managing cash collection, machine malfunctions related to coin mechanisms, and implementing security measures to safeguard against theft. This operational burden is even more pronounced in regions with higher labor costs, such as Australia, Canada, and parts of Europe.

Switching to card payment systems can significantly reduce these operational demands. On average, laundromat owners who adopt cashless payments report a 60-70% reduction in the time spent managing machines, collecting coins, and addressing maintenance issues. For example, in Germany, where card payment systems are becoming increasingly common, laundromat owners report saving up to €5,500 annually in reduced maintenance and labor costs. In the U.S., owners have seen similar savings by cutting out the need for regular cash handling and coin counting.

Additionally, card systems eliminate the risk of theft, both external and internal, a common concern in cash-heavy businesses. The automated nature of card payments also means that all transactions are recorded digitally, providing transparency and real-time data on business performance, which can further streamline operations and reduce human error.

Globally, laundromat owners are realizing that the long-term financial benefits of adopting card payments far outweigh the initial investment. Whether in high-income countries with higher operational costs or developing regions looking for efficiency, card payments represent a strategic shift toward greater profitability and operational ease.

How Does the Customer Experience Improve with Card Payments?

Do Customers Prefer Card Payments Over Coins?

Globally, consumer preferences are shifting rapidly toward cashless transactions, and laundromats are no exception. A recent survey conducted across multiple countries, including the U.S., UK, Australia, and Japan, found that 85% of customers prefer laundromats that offer card or mobile payments over traditional coin-operated systems. The top reasons cited were convenience, speed, and the avoidance of the hassle of carrying large amounts of coins.

In regions where digital payments are more prevalent, such as Scandinavia and East Asia, the preference for cashless transactions is even higher. For instance, in Sweden, where cash is used in less than 10% of retail transactions, nearly all customers expect the option to pay via card or mobile app. Offering card payments is not only more convenient for customers but also enhances the overall experience by reducing wait times, eliminating the need to exchange cash for coins, and providing a smoother transaction process.

Will Card Payments Attract More Customers?

Implementing card payment systems can serve as a significant competitive advantage for laundromats. Global trends indicate that businesses offering cashless options tend to attract a broader range of customers, especially younger demographics. In fact, laundromats that have adopted card systems report a 17-24% increase in new customer acquisition, with the biggest growth coming from Millennials and Gen Z customers, who are less likely to carry cash.

In tech-forward nations like Japan and South Korea, laundromats offering mobile or card payments have seen a sharp rise in customer engagement. Similarly, in North America and Europe, laundromat owners who switched to card payments have reported increased foot traffic, particularly among younger urban populations that value convenience and speed.

Moreover, cashless systems can attract tourists and expats who might not carry local currency, further expanding the customer base. For example, laundromats in tourist-heavy areas of Italy and Spain have found that offering card payments not only increased revenue but also made their services more accessible to international customers.

Globally, laundromat owners who implement card payments are positioning their businesses as modern, customer-centric operations. By meeting the expectations of today’s tech-savvy and cashless consumers, laundromats can gain a competitive edge, attract new customers, and build long-term loyalty.

Are There Any Risks Associated with Switching to Card Payments?

What Are the Potential Drawbacks?

While the benefits of switching to card payments are significant, there are potential risks and challenges that laundromat owners around the world should consider. One of the main concerns is transaction fees, which typically range from 1.5% to 3% per transaction, depending on the payment provider and country. Over time, these fees can accumulate, especially in high-volume laundromats, impacting the bottom line. For instance, laundromat owners in countries with high payment processing fees, such as Australia and the U.S., may find that these costs add up quickly, particularly if their machines handle a large number of small transactions.

Additionally, technical issues with card readers can lead to machine downtime and customer frustration. In markets like the UK and Japan, where contactless payments are widely used, any malfunction in payment terminals can disrupt operations, leading to potential revenue losses and negative customer experiences. A failure in the system can inconvenience customers who are increasingly reliant on digital payments, possibly driving them to competitors that offer more reliable services.

How Can You Mitigate These Risks?

To mitigate these risks, laundromat owners must take proactive steps. Selecting a reliable payment provider with a proven track record is critical. Globally, top-tier providers offer robust customer support and rapid issue resolution to minimize downtime. For example, laundromats in Germany and Canada have partnered with trusted payment service providers that offer 24/7 technical support to quickly address any issues that arise. Investing in high-quality, durable card readers also helps reduce the chances of equipment failure.

Additionally, many laundromat owners are adopting a hybrid model, maintaining a few coin-operated machines as a backup in case of technical issues with card payments. This approach is especially common in regions where digital infrastructure is still developing, such as parts of Southeast Asia and South America, where power outages or technical failures could temporarily disrupt card transactions. By offering both coin and card payment options, laundromats can ensure a seamless customer experience regardless of any technical hiccups.

While switching to card payments brings many advantages, managing potential risks is key to a smooth transition. By selecting reliable technology, maintaining backups, and keeping customer service at the forefront, laundromat owners can mitigate challenges and make the most of the global shift toward cashless payments.

What’s the Future of Payment Systems in Laundromats?

Are Mobile Payments and Digital Wallets the Next Step?

As the world moves further into the digital age, mobile payments and digital wallets, such as Apple Pay, Google Wallet, and PayPal, are becoming increasingly popular. Globally, the use of digital wallets in retail transactions has grown by 22% annually, and laundromats are beginning to catch up with this trend. By 2025, it is estimated that 40% of laundromats worldwide will accept mobile payments, particularly in countries like Sweden, China, and the U.S., where mobile transactions are already widely used.

In Asia, mobile payments have become the norm in countries like China, where over 85% of all retail transactions are conducted via apps such as WeChat Pay and Alipay. Similarly, in Europe and North America, laundromats are beginning to integrate digital wallet solutions to cater to a tech-savvy customer base that values speed, security, and convenience. As digital wallets offer a frictionless payment experience, laundromat owners who adopt these systems can attract a broader range of customers, especially younger generations who expect businesses to offer cashless and contactless payment options.

Will Cash Become Obsolete in Laundromats?

While the global trend is undoubtedly toward cashless payments, cash is unlikely to disappear entirely from laundromats in the near future. In regions where digital infrastructure is less developed, such as parts of Africa and South America, cash remains a dominant form of payment. However, as mobile and digital payment systems become more accessible, even in developing markets, cash transactions in laundromats are expected to decline.

Experts predict that by 2030, over 80% of transactions in laundromats globally could be cashless. In cashless pioneers like Sweden and South Korea, the transition is expected to happen even sooner, with many businesses, including laundromats, already operating without accepting cash. In countries like the U.S. and the UK, where the shift is more gradual, laundromats will likely continue offering cash as an option for a few more years, particularly to cater to older customers or those who are less familiar with digital payment technologies.

Ultimately, the future of laundromat payment systems will be shaped by a global push toward convenience and security. As digital wallets and mobile payments gain further traction, laundromat owners who embrace these technologies will be better positioned to stay competitive and meet the evolving needs of their customers.

How Can Turns and PayRange Integration Simplify the Transition from Coins to Cards?

The integration of Turns laundromat management software with PayRange’s cashless payment system offers a seamless solution for laundromat owners looking to transition from coin-operated machines to card and mobile-based payments. With cashless payments becoming the global standard, laundromat owners in countries like the U.S., Canada, the UK, and Australia are rapidly adopting systems like PayRange to meet customer demand for convenience and security. Turns provides comprehensive management tools that streamline day-to-day operations, while PayRange allows customers to pay using mobile devices or cards, eliminating the need for physical coins and ensuring a modern, frictionless experience.

Globally, the number of businesses transitioning to mobile payment systems is expected to rise by 22% annually, and laundromats are no exception. With over 3,500 laundromats worldwide already using PayRange, including in tech-forward markets like Japan and Germany, integrating this system with Turns' robust management platform positions your business for success in a cashless world.

How Does the Integration Benefit Your Operations?

The integration of Turns and PayRange offers multiple operational benefits, simplifying both payments and management processes. Laundromat owners can monitor real-time transactions, track machine usage, and generate detailed reports from a single platform. In addition, the combination of Turns and PayRange allows for dynamic pricing, enabling laundromats to implement tiered pricing based on machine size, time of day, or other variables, further boosting revenue.

Globally, businesses that have adopted cashless payment systems report a reduction in operational costs by 45-55%, as manual coin collection and maintenance are no longer required. This integration also reduces downtime during the transition. PayRange’s system is designed to be installed quickly, ensuring minimal disruption to your business operations—an important factor for laundromat owners in regions like North America and Europe, where businesses are often reluctant to close for extended periods.

For laundromat owners worldwide, integrating Turns with PayRange represents a strategic move toward modernization, helping your business meet the growing demand for cashless transactions while simplifying operational management.

Should Your Laundromat Make the Switch?

Switching from coin to card payments is no longer just a trend; it’s a strategic shift that can significantly impact your laundromat’s profitability, efficiency, and customer experience. Globally, laundromats that have adopted card and mobile payments report up to a 20% increase in revenue and a 60% reduction in operational costs. With the integration of Turns and PayRange, transitioning to a cashless system has never been easier, offering a comprehensive solution for both payment and management needs.

While there are upfront costs—ranging from $550 to $2,500 per machine depending on the region—and potential challenges such as transaction fees, laundromat owners worldwide are finding that the long-term benefits far outweigh these concerns. The ability to cater to a global, tech-savvy customer base, reduce maintenance costs, and streamline operations gives your laundromat a competitive edge in an increasingly cashless world.

As the global laundry industry continues to modernize, with 65% of laundromats expected to be card-enabled by 2026, staying ahead of the curve with modern payment systems like Turns and PayRange could be the key to your laundromat’s long-term success. The decision to switch isn’t just about convenience; it’s about future-proofing your business in a rapidly evolving marketplace.

FAQs Related to Transitioning from Coin to Card Payments in Laundromats

Question- What types of card payments are available for laundromats?

Laundromats can accept a variety of card payment options, including credit cards, debit cards, and prepaid cards. Additionally, many laundromats are integrating mobile payment systems like Apple Pay, Google Wallet, and PayPal, offering more flexibility to their customers.

Question- Can I still offer promotional discounts or loyalty programs with card payments?

Yes, card payment systems often come with the ability to integrate loyalty programs and promotions. You can easily offer discounts, track customer activity, and reward frequent users through digital platforms, which can help increase customer retention.

Question- How long does it take to transition from coin-operated to card-based payment systems?

The time required for the transition depends on the size of the laundromat and the complexity of the installation. On average, it takes anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks to fully transition and integrate the card payment system, with minimal downtime during the installation process.

Question- Are there any tax benefits for laundromats transitioning to card-based payments?

In many countries, businesses that adopt digital payment systems may qualify for certain tax benefits or incentives. These benefits vary depending on local regulations but can help offset the initial costs of installation. It’s advisable to consult with a tax professional to understand if your laundromat qualifies for such incentives.

Question- How secure are card payment systems in laundromats?

Card payment systems are generally very secure, especially those that comply with PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) requirements. These systems are designed with encryption and tokenization technologies to protect both the customer’s and the business’s financial data, reducing the risk of fraud.

Question- Can card payment systems handle multi-lingual customer bases?

Yes, many card payment systems offer multi-lingual options for users, making it easier to serve diverse customer bases. This feature is particularly important for laundromats in tourist-heavy areas or cities with a large population of non-native speakers.

Question- Will switching to card payments require retraining staff?

Yes, you may need to retrain staff on how to use and troubleshoot the card payment systems. However, the systems are designed to be user-friendly, and most training can be completed in a short amount of time. Additionally, many payment providers offer ongoing support and training materials to ensure smooth operations.

Question- What happens if the internet goes down—can card payments still work?

Some card payment systems have offline modes that allow transactions to be processed even if the internet is temporarily unavailable. The payments will be stored and processed once the connection is restored, ensuring continuous service for your customers.

Question- How do card payment systems impact the environment?

Switching to card payment systems can have a positive environmental impact. Reducing the need for coin manufacturing, transportation, and physical cash collection lowers the carbon footprint associated with traditional coin-operated machines. Additionally, many card payment systems allow for digital receipts, reducing paper waste.

Question- Can I track customer trends and behaviors with card payment systems?

Yes, many card payment systems offer advanced data analytics that allow laundromat owners to track customer usage patterns, peak hours, and spending behaviors. This data can be invaluable for making informed decisions about marketing, promotions, and machine maintenance schedules.
